Steyr is a statutory city, located in the Austrian federal state of Upper Austria. It is the administrative capital, though not part of Steyr-Land District. Steyr is Austria's 12th most populated town and the 3rd largest town in Upper Austria. The city has a long history as a manufacturing center and has given its name to several manufacturers headquartered there, such as the former Steyr-Daimler-Puch conglomerate and its successor Steyr Motors.
Area: 26,56 km²
Population: Estimate 38,331Area: 414.6 km²
Population: 1.741 million (2013)
Euro is the official currency in Austria. The symbol of the euro is a stylized E: €.
The language spoken in Steyr is German. This German is more or less the same as the one used by the Germans. The only differences are accent and some vocabulary. English is also spoken in Steyr .
The most heavily represented sector is the manufacturing automotive parts.
Don’t assume everyone can speak English
Don’t dress down The Austrians are a dressy, polished nation and enjoy getting dressed up to go out in the evening.
Don’t order tap water, high-quality tap water draining straight off the Alps
Don’t get drunk in public, locals do not appreciate anybody being drunk in public.
Don’t forget the Vienna Card
Don’t talk politics, The localsdon’t appreciate jokes about the Nazi past of Germany and Austria
Don’t leave tips on the table
Getting around
Easy to use, inexpensive and punctual, Vienna’s public transport network is fast and efficient, a trip from the outskirts to the centre takes half an hour.
Health systems
The hospital Steyr is a center of gravity hospital. The Steyr School of General Health and Nursing offers a degree in nursing science and a training for a certified nurse. The oldest part is the 1916 castle-like old building. Since 1935, the hospital has been continuously expanded.
Outside view of the biomass heating plant Steyr
Steyr has a district heating system which supplies the bulk of the buildings and industry with renewable energy. The thermal energy comes from the biomass heating plant Steyr.
Emergency numbers
Police: 133
Ambulance / rescue: tel. 144
Emergency doctor: tel. 141
European emergency: tel. 112
Med doctor’s hotline for visitors (0-24): tel. +43-1-513 95 95
Evening and weekend dental service (taped service): tel. +43-1-512 20 78
Evening and Sunday drugstores (0-24): tel. 1455